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At Torah Technologies, we deploy technology in Torah service.
These technologies may span from improving Yom Tov observance to maximizing interactive online Torah study with a chavrusa.
Daven Exchange Project this web site was inspired by the CCHF presentation by Rav Paysach Krohn explaining the power of a person praying for the needs of another person with similar needs. It was also near the time that Senator Joseph Lieberman and Ralph Nader were running for President, and folks were setting up voter exchange web sites.
This web site was also run within Torah.org at davenx.torah.org but quite out of date, and not in active use.
Coincidentally Rav Paysach Krohn was extremely excited to learn about this project, and pitched it to Agudath Israel. Rissibly one of their contacts decided that since it would be possible for a man to daven for a woman's needs (perhaps each have a child with the same sickness?) or vice versa, despite that this is dissuaded by default, they claimed that as a pretext to back away. Now if they only knew that folks simply interested in Shabbos Hospitality at some prominent ostensibly Orthodox hospitality matching web site get immediately presumed to be interested in dating, and finding dates through such hospitality. Ironically the same Maggid is even listed as a proponent of that web site.