Here is a selection of photos of Tweakers in use


This is the original first prototype Tweaker

And the factory connector point where it gets wired in

Thanks to Rav Zushe Blech zt"l we learned what Rav Blumenkrantz meant about Type A vs Type B indicator lights, and added a nightlight to indicate when the present phase of the oven is either calling for heat or cooling down

While not technically required, Rav Belsky zt"l felt it was important to have this indicator if not already present since he only approves adjusting a Tweaker in the diretion that will extend the present phase of a cycling system

Deployed in a box with a double switch that enables both the indicator light and the potentiometer, or disconnects the light and shunts the potentiometer to zro ohms for regular factory weekday operation


As noted, some folks in Chicago, part of a Chicago-wide instruction by rabbinic leaders that each household should have a Tweaker, rather than rely upon the Star-K approved temperature reprogramming method, felt that it was too much of a risk that families would adjust their Tweakers too much and too fast in a way that technically could become an error condition so we designed a Knob Stopper system to limit their adjustment range.

The knob is shown at the offset posisitons for 0 ohms, 100 ohms, 200 ohms, and 300 ohms respectively for an offset of 0 degrees, 50 degrees, 100 degrees, and 200 degrees respectiveily.


One end user with a fancy double oven designed a beautiful panel with two Tweakers and indicator lights and disabling / shunting switches.